
Feedback on the Couples event | Book discussion | Communication &n Media subcommittee: seeking images from activities | PPC nomination process planning | Hospitality Sunday plans | Ministry Thank You event - proposed for August | PPC Suggestion Box review 



Update on plans for Couples event | Book discussion | Fostering "culture" within the parish | ministry leaders - taking "ownership" of their ministries | improved signage - helping people know what is going on | Alpha | The Hallow app - review of possible subscription | methods for receivoing e-mails - particularly those directed to the PPC | Standing committee for Communications & Media | Possible PPC suggestion Box? | PPC nomination and descernment plane | Discussion on Synod on Synodality | Ministry "thank you" reception



Ministry Renewal project - updating ministry brochure | Book discussion | changing focus from "I" to a "We" focus in the Church | reviewing the role of the PPC - putting things in the hands of the Ministries | Hallow App: discussion about registering the Parish - and possible funding | Hospitality Sunday plans | Website updates: noted item about KoC and AYA Sandwich activities, adding images of PPC members to the list of their names and bios | Status of Couples and Newlyweds event plans | Consider ministry for Older Parishioners | 



Update on Pew project | Notice of Archdiocesan capital campaign | Continued discussion of Devine Renovation | Review of PPC bylaws | Review plans for Couples and Newlyweds event | Young Adults engagement | Website - review of the Hallow app | Special Events committee and the 40th Anniversary event | Consideration of a New Parishioner event



Continuing review of the book Divine Renovation: Beyond the Parish | Review of where Assumption sits as part of a grouping of parishes in the Archdiocese | Update on the proposed Couples & Newlyweds event including responses to questions put to them | Young Adult engagement issues | Website updates - how to improve representation of the Parish community and events | Review of the Dec 3 Hospitality Sunday led by tje KoC and the Secular Servite Order



Feedback on Nov 4 PPC Meet & Greet | Collaboration with Parish groups to host Hospitality Sundays | Planning for February event celebrating couples married at Assumption | Celebrating Fr. Joe's 40th anniversary | Catholic Leadership Institute survey | Opportunities for Group Prayer | Feedback from suggestion box 



Lighting for Stained Glass windows | Book discussion (Divine Renovation) | Welcoming events | Ministry fair | PPC Meet-and-greet | Couples events | Renew My Church update, Archdiocesan support | Catholic Leadership survey | Ideas about "branding campaigns" | Fr. Joe's anniversary



Welcoming and Engagement events | Special events for couples married at Assumption | Stained glass lighting | Renew My Church update |Catholic Leadership Institute



Wedding and Baptism ministries | Book discussion | Review of Welcoming Parishioners and the way forward | Reesults of call for new PPC members | Improved lighting for stained glass windows.



Welcome New Parishioner event | Call for new PPC members | Update on Renew My Church | Laudato 'si



Welcoming new parishioners | Soft entry points discussion | Pews update 



Alpha discussion | Evangelization discussion | Welcoming new parishioners | Lenten program | Pew updates



Renew My Church | Statuary pamphlet | Welcoming new parishioners | Monthly bag meals for the homeless



Update on Renew My Church | Statuary pamphlet | Pews



Update on Renew My Church | Pews | Progress on Statuary pamphlet | Newly registered parishioners | Christmas party



Update on Renew My Church | Synod: USCCB synthesis | Pews | Statuary pamphlet | Newly registered parishioners | Sacrement of reconciliation



Renew my Church | Creation Care committee | Feed the hungry | The pews



Renew My Church, Statue Update, Web-based resources. New business: Suggested readings for council members, possible ministry groups.



May 2021 meeting: Final review of what was learned about defacto caste systems | reviews of the statuary project status, and the PPC nominations | update on COVID restrictions - decided not to differentiate people based on vaccination status | discussions about a "Pay forward" process and the relationship with current programs | adult faith programming - review of some alternatives | review of the past year.



CASTE Part 6 - Germany's efforts in the wake of Naziism | Post-COVID discussions - video: "What If They Don't Come Back?" | Discussion about ways to reach the Parish and community | Statuary request for proposal | Review of Easter Mass plans | PPC nomination and discernment processes.



Continued discussion: Part 5 of CASTE | Statuary, selection of studio and subjects | PPC recruitment plans | Easter Mass update | St. Clement parish request about the immigrant family | Questions about party for volunteers



Ongoing discussion: CASTE part 4. | Statuary update ...seeking more details from vendors | Ash Wednesday results | Easter plans | PPC discernment process - review of process, possible enhancements | virtual stations of The Cross - link on the bulletin/website



Discussion: CASTE part 3 | Easter preparations | Church Art review - statuary, future directions. | "Renew My Church" - review of possible impact | Pews: considerations for replacement? | PPC discernment process | 



Book discussion: CASTE part 2 (about race-based social heierarchy) | Plans for Christmas Masses | Fogging machine for disinfection | Art update: discussions about alternative plans; Stations of the Cross will not be replaced | Italian Dinner - net $21k, a success. No pizza party or retreat. | Church Pews, from 1950 era, need renewing or replacement.



Book discussion: "Caste". Discussions about personal experiences with various modes of segregation | Possibilities, and parishioner proposals, for changes to our art. | Christmas Mass sanitization plans | Christmas mass schedule | Renew My Church: review of objectives, consideration of reasons why people leave the church | Review of the "Alpha" program - plans for future sessions | future PPC sessions - likely by Zoom



Plans for Christmas services - use of the Church Hall has been successful | Discussions about improving diversity in church artwork | Looking for ways to communicate with our local community - residents and hotels



Adopting an "Annual theme": "Holy Spirit Unite Us All As One Family" | Proposal to use the book "CASTE" as the basis for discussions at future meetings | Alternative for improving diversity in art at Assumption | Christmas planning - including addition of a Mass at 7am



How Icons may facilitate prayer | Discussion about improving diversity in our artwork - art, statuary, etc. | Fall Fundraiser - looking for effective techniques in a "virtual" environment | Review of both volunteer and parishioner experiences with church "re-opening" | Considerations of a new theme



Reflections on the takeaways from the works of Fr. Rippereger | Possible introduction of Counseling service | Fall fundraiser - looking for ideas | Review of experiences with Mass re-opening - how to encourage attendance | Solicited testimonial from parish members' experiences with racism | Commitment Sunday...



Review of experiences with impact pof the ACA, and "second collections". Support for electronic giving | Guidlines (requirements) for re-opening e.g times, attendance, cleaning, reservations



Dealing with COVID-19 | Retreat results: attendance and responses | Council nominations: decision to extend current terms rather than a new slate | Considerations for how we might plan for a "post-pandemic" transition.  Proposals offered for a variety of special events | Plans for on-line scripture study 



Continued discussions about improving interactions among people at masses | Plan and sched for Council Nominations | Discussions about presentation at a priests' meeting about church attendance patterns - implications and indicated responses | Support by Council members of Eucharistic Adoration



How to pray the Rosary | Review of publicatioon "Tools" - communications, music, branding | Reaching out to the larger River North community | Contact from the Augustine Institute and their more orthodox approach to evangelization
