Assumption Catholic Church
323 West Illinois Street - Chicago IL 60654
(ph) 312-644-0036 (fax) 312-644-1838

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  • Click the "MINISTRIES" button to learn about the groups at Assumption - including what they do, and how you can help.
  • Click the "Contacts" link to reach the people responsible for each of these activities

History of activities in the last year

Continuing Support for an Immigrant Family     ...more 10/1/2024

The Assumption team continues to support the family who immigrated from Mexico to obtain treatment for their son's leukemia. This support includes subsidies for rent, transportation services, and more. Click for the updated story

Helping Shelter Residents      8/12/2024

The Servite Secular Order at Assumption is conducting a toiletries drive for a men's and a women's shelter. Please place your donation in the box near the Vatican flag. The collection runs through August 11.

Help for Immigrants and Refugees      7/10/2024

Our “adopted” family, having travelled to Chicago from Mexico last summer, has moved into a home in McKinley Park whose rent is being paid by our generous parishioners.

Four year old Emiliano has received a bone marrow transplant from his 6 year old brother and continues to be treated for his leukemia at Lurie Children’s Hospital. Members of our group are driving Emiliano and his mother to the medical appointments once or twice a week. They are so grateful for our help.
More drivers are needed if anyone has time to help.

Babysitters are also needed at various times if anyone is interested.
We are asking for donations to continue so we can help with food and transportation costs and babysitting if we can’t get enough volunteers.

This family of a mom and six children ages 2 to 12 are adapting to life in Chicago with the help of many volunteers. We hope to bring them on a few outings this summer and welcome everyone’s participation.

Eucharistic Procession Passing Through Chicago      7/2/2024

From July 17-21 in Indianapolis, there will be a National Eucharistic Congress, the first one in our country in 83 years. Four Eucharistic pilgrimage groups have departed from four parts of the United States, to converge in Indianapolis on July 17. One of these pilgrimage groups will stop in Chicago from June 28 to 30. In union with Eucharistic events planned in the Archdiocese that weekend, Assumption will have a special Holy Hour on Saturday morning, June 29, following the 7:30am Mass.

Saturday Sandwich Makers      5/1/2024
The sandwich crew assembles bag-lunches with sandwiches - to be distributed by the Chicago Help Initiative. The boxes of product, ready to be transported, describe a job well done!

Refugee Assistance Ministry     ...more 1/30/2024

Our Refugee Assistance Group continues to pray for our adopted Afghan family who moved to Muncie, Indiana in August.


Thanks to all the parishioners who donated both cash and winter clothing for refugees, migrants, and the unhoused. We received 189 coats, jackets, sweaters, and sweatshirts, along with caps, scarves, and gloves too numerous to count and items off the Target list. The cash has gone toward meals at the shelters and police stations and will continue to be used for the refugees.

