Assumption Catholic Church
323 West Illinois Street - Chicago IL 60654
(ph) 312-644-0036 (fax) 312-644-1838

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Evenings of Faith 2/26/2025

Evenings of Faith - 2025
The Wednesdays of Lent

The program begins with Mass in Church at 6:00pm followed by a simple Lenten meal served at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. The speaker’s session or Lenten ritual is from 7:00 – 8:00pm. Join us for the entire evening or for any portion. Reservations are required only for the meal. (A $5 donation is suggested for the meal.)

March 12:  Homelessness In America  Doug Fraser

Why does one of the richest nations on earth have so many unhoused people? Doug Fraser, Director of the Chicago Help Initiative, will look at the root causes of homelessness, why it is so widespread in our time, what is being done to address it, and what still needs to happen.

March 19:  The Christmas Story for Adults  Fr. Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M.

Often treated as a story for children, the accounts of Jesus’ birth were written for adults. They set the tone for everything that follows. Fr. Joe will look at these scriptures in the context of their time and the Gospels as a whole, to reveal a message that is challenging as well as comforting.

March 26:  The Roots of Our Faith  Fr. Louis Cameli

Although our relationship with God is deeply personal, it is also embedded in the faith of the men and women who have gone before us. Drawing upon personal experience and his own family history, Fr. Cameli will invite us to explore our faith journey in a larger context.

April 2: The Way of The Cross for Today  

Tracing the path of Jesus from condemnation to crucifixion is a common Lenten devotion. After a brief historical introduction, we will make the stations of the cross in church, using prayers and meditations composed by a parishioner that incorporate the evils and graces of our time.

April 9:  The Seasons of Life  Mary Worden

Just as Chicago has four seasons, our lives have seasons as well. Mary Worden, a clinical psychologist at Claret Center, will explore the human experience of development, seeing in each season of life challenges and opportunities for our body, mind, and spirit.

April 16:  The Sacrament of Reconciliation 

At the very end of the season of Lent, we turn to God for forgiveness. Following a service that incorporates scripture, a homily, and a communal examination of conscience, there will be an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation from one of three confessors.
