Lenten Evenings of Faith - 2025

Every Wednesday during Lent we will have Mass in Church at 6:00pm, a Lenten meal in the Parish Hall at 6:30, and a speaker or Lenten ritual from 7:00 to 8:00pm. Reservations are requested only for the optional meal a $5 donation is requested at the door.

Use this form to reserve a meal for each session you will attend. Indicate the number of people (including yourself). If you want to update your reservations later - just fill another form which will replace your previous entries. But be sure to use the same first and last names. To cancel a reservation please contact the church office.

First Name A value is required. -- Last Name A value is required.
Number of
Date Subject
March 12 Homelessness In America (Doug Fraser)
March 19 The Christmas Story for Adults (Fr. Joe)
March 26 The Roots of Our Faith (Fr. Lou Cameli)
April 2 The Way of the Cross for Today
April 9 The Seasons of Life (Mary Worden)
April 16 Lenten Reconciliation Service