Assumption Catholic Church
  323 West Illinois Street - Chicago IL 60654
  (ph) 312-644-0036  (fax) 312-644-1838    Map & Directions


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Electronic Giving Option 12/15/2024

For those who prefer an "on-line" method for contributing we are now using a system called "Breeze".

(This replaces "Give Central")

Breeze is a single system which replaces three uncoordinated tools we had been using for membership and giving records. You can click this "Give Now" link, or click the "DONATE" button at the top of the home page.

Parishioners for whom we have personal records will find it convenient to create a new Breeze on-line account which will enable managing giving activity and also editing and updating personal information.

Access Give Central to cancel any recurring transactions you have established - then access Breeze for your on-going support. 

Click on the Logo at the left and select a destination for your contribution. You can choose "Sunday Offering" or from many other options. (Click the "View more" button to see them all)

This service can be used for establish or edit recurring contributions, like Sunday offerings, or for one-shot contributions such as for event tickets or special campaigns. Once you have created an account ID and  provided the necessary payment method your subsequent updates will be almost effortless.