The list describes funds which you can select in the drop-down list on the Donation page Some funds, like the Sunday offering or Sharing Parish will usually be available while some, like seasonal periods or special collections may only be available when appropriate. |
You can donate by clicking DONATE from any page. However the donation process can be simpler if you have created a Login account. To create a Login capability - either click LOGIN or, after clicking DONATE select "Create an Account" at the bottom of the donate page. If the system recognizes your entries your account will be ready for you to log in immediately. If there is not a perfect match - an administrator will have to confirm your account. This might take a day, or two. |
Donations for Special Intentions, Baptism donations, or donations for a wedding are special cases. Donations for weddings or baptism require special forms: For Mass Intentions: You must first call the church office to get concurrence about the Mass date/time. Then you can enter payments here: |
Funds Available for On-Line giving
Assumption Shares | |
Once each week we offer packets of coupons to needy persons who can use them at many local stores to buy food and essentials. |
Assumption Sunday Offering | |
Little Sisters of The Poor | |
the Little Sisters of the Poor are an international congregation of Roman Catholic women religious, serving the elderly poor in over 30 countries. They operate two residential facilities in the Chicago area. They come to Assumption annualy with a special plea for support. |
Restoration Fund | |
Support a fund which will be available for major repairs or replacements of the building's critical infrastructure. These would be situations for which regular weekly offerings would be insufficient or inappropriate. |
Retirement For Religious | |
This is an Archdiocesan fund in which our retired Servite priests also participate. |
Sandwich Fund For The Hungry | |
Pay for ingredients sunch as bread, cheese, meats, fruits, etc., used by our team of volunteers who assemble bagged sandwich lunches distributed at Catholic Charities. |
Sharing Parish (Our Lady of Sorrows) | |
Our Lady of Sorrows is a large older Servite church on the west side. Changing demographics in the neighborhood make it impossible for the active parishioners there to support the old structure without help. |