If you don't remember your password, or never created one - just enter your e-mail address (leaving password empty) and click LOG IN.
If we have a record for you we'll send you a password. (You will have an opportunity to change it if you like)
If you are asked to log in each time you return - click the HELP button for advice.
Loggin in:
If you are new to the Assumption parish or have never registered as a member - just click the "Create a new membership record" button and proceed. We encourage you to enter information about each adult member of your household - recognizing that you may have individual history, interests, and contact information.
If you are a parish member but have not used this website before - the first step is to determine whether our old records include a valid e-mail address for you. Enter your email address in the log-in form, leaving the password field blank, and click LOG IN. If there is a match for your email address - the system will offer to send you a password so you can log in and edit your record. If you have more than one e-mail - try them all!
If no matching e-mail address is found - please proceed like a new member. It will take only a few minutes.
If you are asked for your email and password every time you come back - your browser may not be accepting "Cookies". This is managed by a "setting" - usually in the "Privacy and Security" area. In Chrome: look for the three vertical dots at the right edge of your browser header. For Firefox: look for the three horizontal lines ("Hamburger") at the upper-right corner. In MS Edge: look for a horizontal row of three dots. select Site Permissions / Cookies and site data.
In all cases you should select settings which either accept all cookies or only deny third-party cookies.
About your privacy:
This information will never be shared outside of our parish. It can help in the operation of the many ministries or service groups within the parish, and will help us reach you when appropriate. We recognize that some people who come to church may just want to be left alone; we'll try not to bother you.