Assumption Catholic Church
323 West Illinois Street - Chicago IL 60654
(ph) 312-644-0036 (fax) 312-644-1838



Assumption Church Pastoral Council 6/14/2023

About the Parish Pastoral Council

Click for minutes of the last 24 meetings

Excerpt from Fr. Chamblain's message of March 6, 2016

"When I first asked for volunteers from the congregation to form a study group to learn about pastoral councils and develop a structure and a set of by-laws that would be fit our particular congregation, I wrote that “a pastoral council may deal with policy questions and it may deal with vision questions. It may deal with areas related to the spiritual life of the parish, the liturgy, religious formation, evangelization, and our involvement with social justice issues and charitable giving.” Over the past three years, our Council has delved into each one of those areas. One area I failed to mention in 2012 (which is one reason why I need a Council!) is the social life of the parish. Our Italian Dinners and other celebrations revolving around food and drink can trace their roots back to our very earliest days as a faith community. It is important to note that in accord with Archdiocesan Policy, the Pastoral Council does not deal directly with finances, as we have a separate Finance Committee, whose members are appointed for their expertise in this area.

"Our Council structure is very simple. There are nine members plus the pastor. Each member serves a three-year term. Each year three new members come aboard and three members leave. In order to insure that fresh voices are always a part of the Council, members may not serve two consecutive terms. This means that every year about this time we start looking for three new people. In order to serve on the Council one must be a baptized Catholic, at least eighteen years of age, and be a registered member of Assumption.  Nominees will then be contacted, and if they are open to serving on the Council, they will be asked to attend two discernment meetings.

Fr. Joe

Current members of the council





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