While Scott and Janien Stantis are off celebrating their 34th wedding anniversary hiking the Grand Canyon, let me introduce them to you. S & J are originally from Southern California but because of work they moved around considerably and arrived in Chicago approximately seven years ago from Alabama. They have two adult sons, one married and living in New Zealand and the other one newly engaged and living in Alabama. Scott and Janien came to Assumption six years ago. They first attended St. Peter’s and Holy Name Cathedral but on an exploration walk around the City they came upon Assumption and not only fell in love with its beauty but became inquisitive about the Servite Order because it was new to them. What they discovered was that our Church and its priests are the most warm and welcoming group they had encountered and immediately became members. It didn’t take them long to become involved in church activities because in their fellow parishioners they found a true community and small enough to make friends easily. Scott is a lector at 12:15 Sunday Mass and I’m told he’s so very dependable and can always be counted on to give extra help. Janien works with the Chicago Help Initiative ministry at their Wednesday meal and monthly donates and prepares 35 take away bag lunches for the overflow crowd. She also volunteers at Little Sisters of Poor a couple of days a week helping out with residents doing whatever is required. Scott is the very popular political cartoonist for the Chicago Tribune and you can see his work in print and on line. They have been very generous to our Annual Italian Dinner / Auction for the last several years when Janien decided that one of Scott’s framed cartoons that had been in print would make a good donation item for the auction. 
It has turned out not only to be a “good” donation but a “great” one. We decided it was such a wonderful item that Fr. Joe becomes the Live Auctioneer at the dinner and Scott’s drawings have been incredibly successful in their sales. Because Scott and Janien attend the dinner, he actively participates in our fun process and has offered to do a personal caricature of the buyer or whoever they designate. At last year’s dinner Scott included lunch with him and John Kass, well known Tribune columnist, as part of the deal. Smashing success! We thank the Stantis’ for their generosity of spirit, community, friendship and as dedicated parishioners to God and Assumption.
The parish office recently received a note from an Assumption visitor when she returned to her home in South Carolina. We thought it inspiring to see just how much of an impact we make on visitors to our Assumption home and decided to share it with everyone. The note read:
“Dear Assumption Catholic Church, On the weekend of August 22nd my family was visiting Chicago. While walking around Saturday, we found your Church. While trying to find out what time mass was on Sunday, we met Katie Kennicott working in the garden next to the church. What a wonderful and friendly lady she is! We talked about the garden and her granddaughter, the Cubs-Braves game and just how wonderful the weather was compared to our hometown of Charleston, SC. She greeted us again at the 9:00 a.m. mass and afterward giving us lunch recommendations. What a wonderful ambassador for your Church. To honor her kindness to us, we would like to make a donation to the Garden Club of your parish to continue the work in honoring her granddaughter, Bridget. Thank you again for the warm welcome and tell her Charleston says Hello! Thanks again, Stephanie Frick” (a generous check was enclosed)
We all realize the importance of a smile and a friendly hello because we all like to receive them as well. It makes us feel welcome and that we matter. Assumption has a formal Greeter Ministry where we have asked those ushers at each mass to stand at the back of the Church prior to mass and welcome all who enter, hand them a Bulletin, ask if they are from out of town and if yes, ask them to sign our Welcome Registry on the podium where there are brochures describing our beautiful windows and Saints. However, you don’t need to be a designated Greeter, just say hello to those you see at mass and if someone is not familiar to you, ask if they are visiting Chicago and welcome them to our parish. We are sure that you will be astounded at how much that small act of kindness will mean to a stranger, even if they don’t openly tell you at that time. We all belong here because we love the friendliness, the beauty that surrounds us and the inspiration of our Pastor and fellow priests. Let’s all pay it forward just like Jesus did and does.
Our Annual Italian Dinner / Auction is just a couple of weeks away on November 9th. We are still in need of auction items to help raise Church building maintenance funds. This year is particularly important because the funds raised will have to help supplement next year’s budget as well. This is due to the fact that with all the construction we won’t be able to hold our annual dinner, at least not in the manner Our Annual Italian Dinner / Auction is just a couple of weeks away on November 9th. We are still in need of auction items to help raise Church building maintenance funds. This year is particularly important because the funds raised will have to help supplement next year’s budget as well. This is due to the fact that with all the construction we won’t be able to hold our annual dinner, at least not in the manner that we have been for the past many years. The Parish Council has been discussing that dilemma and you will hear more about that over the coming months. But to the problem at hand, if you are able to donate a restaurant gift card, symphony tickets, theater tickets, sports tickets, wine basket, a week at a vacation home, airline tickets, or anything else you deem appropriate to auction at Assumption, we would be so very grateful. If you prefer making a cash donation so that we can acquire an item, please feel free to do that also. Your support is needed and appreciated.
If you want to come and enjoy the festivities, please get your ticket now because hopefully we will sell out again. All who have ever been there will tell you how much fun it is. Come and bid on Scott Stantis’ drawing!